
How to copy trading strategies from Marketplace

How to copy trading strategies from Marketplace

Don’t know any profitable trading strategy yet? No problem, with PersonalTrader you can easily copy existing trading strategies from other users and start trade them automatically.

Only users with a PersonalTrader Professional or Enterprise plan can user this feature. You can upgrade your plan here.

To copy a trading strategy from the Marketplace follow these steps:

1. Log in to your PersonalTrader Dashboard and navigate to: Strategies > Marketplace

2. Search the trading strategy you would like to copy and click the “learn more” button. For each trading strategy you can see a description, the creation date, and plenty of statistics to understand how it has performed in the past.

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3. When you have chosen which trading strategy you want to copy, simply agree with the terms and click the “Copy strategy” button.

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4. When you are ready to start trading this strategy, remember to enable it. You cannot see nor edit a copied strategy conditions, you cannot change the take profit and the stop-loss either, but you can change the amount and the leverage, and adjust them to a level you are comfortable to trade with. You can also change the coin/s to trade, but this is not recommended because it may change the results of the trading strategy.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Trade at your own risk. We are not responsable for any loss that might occur when trading with PersonalTrader.

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